Created by Tony Basgallop, Servant is a psychological horror series streaming on Apple TV Plus. The story is predominantly set in Philadelphia and revolves around four individuals. The marriage of Dorothy and Sean Turner has been gradually falling apart since the death of their infant son, Jericho. Dorothy subsequently experienced a full psychotic break and now believes that a reborn doll is her living son. Worried about his wife, Sean agrees to hire a nanny for Jericho, and that’s how Leanne Grayson enters the couple’s lives and that of Dorothy’s brother Julian. Things take a supernatural turn when Leanne seemingly brings Jeicho back to life.
Since its premiere on November 28, 2019, the series has received mostly positive responses. Season 4 aired between January 13, 2023, and ended on March 17, 2023. Now, speculation is rife on when season five will be released.
Here’s all the Servant Season 5 release date information we know so far and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Servant Season 5 release date?
There is no Servant Season 5 release date, as the series concluded after four seasons.
Initially, showrunner M. Night Shyamalan had plans for 60 episodes. Given that each season comprises 10 episodes, that would have been six seasons. He told The Hollywood Reporter in 2019, “It’s a little bit of a Catch-22. You need to learn it as it goes, but you need to have your endpoint. At least, that’s how I approached this. I know the endpoint. We’re moving through the episodes and thinking about them that way as we’re going through. A dream version is we get 60 episodes, and I get to tell you the full story through 60.”
However, he later told Collider that he wanted to tell the story in 40 episodes or four seasons, and that’s what ended up ultimately happening. The season four finale gives a satisfactory ending to the story, though in typical Shyamalan fashion, some questions are left unanswered. Despite that, it’s unlikely that Servant Season 5 will ever be developed.
The cast includes Lauren Ambrose as Dorothy Turner (née Pearce), Toby Kebbell as Sean Turner, Nell Tiger Free as Leanne Grayson, Rupert Grint as Julian Pearce, and more.
Where is Servant Season 5 coming out?
Servant Season 5 isn’t confirmed to release on Apple TV Plus. ComingSoon will provide an update if circumstances change.
The official synopsis for Servant Season 5 reads:
“A Philadelphia couple are in mourning after an unspeakable tragedy creates a rift in their marriage and opens the door for a mysterious force to enter their home.”
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